## Retrieving Queries Listing the Queries that contain your data. You can either retrieve all Queries in a given Project, or filter by Query type. ### Retrieving all Queries in a Project The following call will list the Queries in the Project with ID 398748937: ```bash curl -X GET https://api.brandwatch.com/projects/398748937/queries/summary ``` The response will look like the following: ```json { "resultsTotal": 2, "resultsPage": -1, "resultsPageSize": -1, "results": [ { "id": 1999933037, "name": "@brandwatchsocial", "type": "monitor", "creationDate": "2019-10-10T17:36:13.933+0000", "lastModificationDate": "2019-10-10T17:37:23.681+0000", "lastModifiedUsername": "example@example.com", "lockedQuery": false, "lockedByUsername": null, "createdByWizard": false, "languages": [ "en" ], "contentSources": [ "news", "twitter", "review", "blog" ], "languageAgnostic": false }, { "id": 1999934807, "name": "Mentions of Pepsi", "type": "monitor", "creationDate": "2019-10-14T13:58:21.525+0000", "lastModificationDate": "2019-10-23T17:22:15.904+0000", "lastModifiedUsername": "example@example.com", "lockedQuery": false, "lockedByUsername": null, "createdByWizard": false, "languages": [ "en" ], "contentSources": [ "news" ], "languageAgnostic": false } ] } ``` You can then use the id of the Query to apply a Filter to Mentions data calls, or to create charts with. For more detailed information on your Queries, including the contents of the query, then you can call the following endpoint. ```bash curl -X GET https://api.brandwatch.com/projects/398748937/queries ``` The response will look like the following: ```json { "resultsTotal": 1, "resultsPage": -1, "resultsPageSize": -1, "results": [ { "id": 1999933037, "name": "BBC", "description": null, "creationDate": "2019-10-10T17:36:13.933+0000", "lastModificationDate": "2019-10-10T17:37:23.681+0000", "languages": [ "en" ], "type": "monitor", "highlightTerms": [ "the BBC", ], "lastModifiedUsername": "example@example.com", "lockedQuery": false, "lockedByUsername": null, "lockedTime": null, "createdByWizard": false, "booleanQuery": "the BBC", "startDate": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000", "percentComplete": 100, "samplePercentage": 11.4649, "sampled": false, "locationFilter": null, "imageFilter": null, "contentSources": [ "news", "twitter", "review", "blog" ], } ] } ``` ### Retrieving Queries Filtered by Type You can determine whether a Query is a standard Brandwatch Query or a Channel by the type field: * `monitor` - A Brandwatch query created by the Query Wizard, or by Boolean search string. * `twitter` - A Twitter Channel. * `publicfacebook` - A Facebook Channel. * `instagram` - An Instagram Channel. If you wish to only retrieve a particular type of Query, then you can pass the type as a parameter. The following call will list the Instagram Channels in the Project with ID 398748937: ```bash curl -X GET https://api.brandwatch.com/projects/398748937/queries?type=instagram ```