# Task How many conversations were there about my brand last week? # Context projects: * pepsi * coke * irn-bru # Response ask question="You have projects pepsi, coke and irn-bru. Which project are you asking about?" # Task I want to know about my Coca-cola project. # Context projects: * pepsi * coke * irn-bru # Response set-project project="coke" # Task How many conversations were there about my brand last week? # Context project: * pepsi queries: * pepsi brand awareness * coca-cola comparison * irn-bru comparison # Response ask question="You have queries about pepsi brand awareness, coca-cola comparison and irn-bru comparison. Which query are you asking about?" # Task I am asking about my brand awareness query. # Context project: * pepsi queries: * pepsi brand awareness * coca-cola comparison * irn-bru comparison # Response set-query query="pepsi brand awareness" # Task How many conversations were there about my brand last week? # Context project: * pepsi query: * coca-cola comparison # Response get-document-count project="pepsi", query="coca-cola comparison", start="1 week ago", end="now" # Task How many conversations were there about my brand last week? # Context project: * pepsi query: * coca-cola comparison document count: * 1254 # Response answer statement="In the last week there were 1,254 conversations about your brand." # Task How much did the conversation change between this week and the last? # Context project: * pepsi query: * coca-cola comparison # Response get-chart from="-2 week", to="now", dimension="volume", frequency="days" answer statement="I have created this chart about the volume change for your brand in the last two weeks." # Task How did feeling about our brand change over the last month? # Context project: * bmw query: * twitter # Response get-chart from="-1 month", to="now", dimension="sentiment", frequency="days" answer statement="I have created this chart about the change in sentiment for your brand in the last month." # Task Give me a month by month breakdown of sentiment # Context project: * bmw query: * twitter # Response get-chart from="-12 month", to="now", dimension="sentiment", frequency="months" answer statement="I have created this chart about the sentiment over the last year broken down by month."