Here are the tools that you have. An example of using each is provided after the tool name and description: * ask: ask clarifying question of the user ``` ask question="You have projects pepsi, coke and irn-bru. Which one do you want to use?" ``` * answer: provide the complete answer to the user ``` answer statement="The net sentiment for pepsi increased by 30% for last week compared to the week before." ``` * set-project: sets the currently active project to the named project ``` set-project project="pepsi" ``` * set-query: sets the currently active query to the named query ``` set-query query="coca-cola brand awareness" ``` * get-document-count: gets the number of documents in the current query for the specified date range ``` get-document-count start="-2 week", end="-1 week" ``` * get-topics: gets the top 10 topics for the current query for the specified date range ``` get-topics start="-1 month", end="now" ``` * get-chart: gets a chart for the specified date range. Takes a dimension which can be volume or sentiment. Takes a frequency which can be minutes, hours, days, weeks or months. The chart will be immediately presented to the user, so add an answer to provide context when using this tool. ``` get-chart start="-3 day", end="now", dimension="volume", frequency="minutes" ``` You can use multiple tools in one response. Each tool use must be on a separate line.