Prompt Training - My Paper

I’ve done enough research on Prompt Training to try to write a paper about it

June 12, 2021

I’ve done enough research into prompt training to try to turn it into a paper. The key differentiators to the google paper are:

To write the paper it would be good to dramatically simplify the training loop. I think that I have enough to be able to train the model using the huggingface framework by creating a wrapper model that holds the prompt. Working on the code a little is needed to perform more systematic comparisons of the different approaches. I may also want to evaluate this on GLUE or a similar more popular challenge. Finally comparing the performance to fine tuning the model would provide a good baseline - does the linear layer and prompt together make the model as good as fine tuning?

Retreating to writing more code is a retreat to safety for me - I am very good at writing code. To get some progress on this I should write some of the paper, and that is what this post is for. I am going to fill this out with the different sections and the progress so far, and things like prompt training in huggingface can move to another post.

How to Write a Paper

I have read quite a few papers and I have spoken to people who have written papers. I’ve been told that I have done enough research for a paper, so that is why I am trying this. The problem is that I have never written a paper so how do I actually do that?

googles “how to write a paper”

I’ve immediately found this manual by Mike Ashby at the University of Cambridge. Looks like I’ve got a bit of reading to do. It seems really good.

It outlines the process of creating a paper as the following 5 stages:

The first thing is to identify the market need. This is the audience for the paper. It suggests three main audiences:

  • Examiners - of a university degree thesis
  • Scientists - of an academic paper
  • Lay people - of an article on a scientific subject

For my paper the audience will be data scientists interested in a new technique.

Then the ideating occurs. This is done on a large piece of paper and involves outlining the different sections and providing a tiny bit of detail for each. The title of the paper and the first line of the abstract are about as detailed as it gets.

I’ve done this, possibly rather poorly.


Suffix Prompt Training for Efficient Classification

Could be low resource instead of efficient? The tutorial said that the title should be brief rather than complete, so it might be enough to be Suffix Prompt Training.


  • Mention Google Paper
  • Prefix vs Suffix
  • Classification tasks
  • Using tokens vs linear layer
  • Multi task performance


  • Prompt training
  • Token vs Linear head
  • Prompting in real life often comes after the information
  • Selection of correct tokens for classifications is hard, using a linear head is equivalent and optimizable


  • Vary model size - gpt2-small gpt2-medium gpt2-large gptneo-1.3
  • Vary prompt size
  • Vary task
  • Compare with fine tuning
  • Compare with prefix prompting?
  • Train for two tasks at once (combine separately trained linear layer?)


  • Suffix prompting could be better than prefix for some tasks
  • Performs well compared to fine tuning
  • Cheap to run
  • Can do multiple tasks in a batch
  • Can use past optimization to implement efficiently

The main thrust of the paper is being able to perform tasks cheaply with only a modest loss in accuracy. Optimising for cheaply performing tasks is quite important. Having working code that uses the past_key_values, as well as prompts trained on multiple different tasks.

Just Copy My Blog Posts

I spoke about this with a colleague and they said that there were two broad approaches to paper writing, one good and one bad.

He was inclined towards the thinker approach and found the final step of pulling the notes together to be overwhelming. At that point there was much too much material to go through and all of it was only partially formed.

The experimenter does more work up front by writing up the results of each experiment, but when it comes time to pull that together the source material is far more solid. That up front work makes it much easier to get the skeleton of a paper. By writing this blog I have followed the experimenter route.

So I need to make my skeleton by only copying text from the existing blog posts. That will be a terrible start but I can work with that.


The original post I wrote about prompt training has a good introduction:

I’ve been thinking about Language Model prompts recently. They can be used to perform natural language tasks without retraining. This is due to the deep understanding that modern language models internalize as part of the training. GPT-3 has even internalized enough to start being able to perform arithmetic.

The biggest problem is coming up with an appropriate prompt for the task. So maybe data science is the search for the best prompt?

I speak adequate English and no other languages. I am unlikely to write a poem or become a wordsmith. Inventing an appropriate prompt seems to be a hard problem.

I don’t want to spend time trying to come up with ways to trick the language model into providing the results I want. Tricking language models won’t make me a better writer. It would be better to come up with a way to produce the correct prompt from the input and results, much like how a neural net works to begin with.

DeepDream was created in 2014 and involves using back propagation to alter the input instead of the model. The input is changed to produce a certain kind of strong output, which leads to psychedelic imagery.

I want to perform this same approach using a language model. The prompt is part of the input to the language model and I want to “train” the prompt to perform the task that I desire.

I need to cut this down into a readable abstract. The base of this has already been established by google so it might be good to cover the suffix / prefix difference?

I was specifically told not to make this section perfect otherwise I would obsess over it and it might change because of subsequent sections anyway. So this has problems, I accept that. Moving on.


That first post really is great. I wrote it to explain this idea and it covers all of this very well.

So how is this going to work? Let’s start with an idea of how a neural network is trained.

An optimizer collects model parameters that are to be optimized. The input to the model is passed through the model and the influence that the parameters have over the output quality is tracked. Quality must be a positive scalar value where lower is better.

This quality is referred to as the loss, and a loss of zero is produced by the best model possible.

When deep dreaming the model is not the target of the optimizer, instead the input is.

This means that the adjustments that the optimizer makes change the input image instead of the model. In the same way I want to change the prompt. The prompt is unusual though as it is normally part of the input instead of the whole input.

This is where GPT-2 is useful. GPT-2 has the ability to use previously computed output as part of the calculation, referred to as the past. This is a separate input. By pushing the tweet text to the past I can easily define the prompt as an optimizable parameter.

This is a good start but it’s not enough. The prompt is text, which can’t be optimized because it’s not a tensor. The tokenized prompt is a long tensor, which can’t be optimized because it’s not continuous.

The first stage of a language model is an embedding layer. This is a simple layer that converts each token into a 1 dimensional float tensor, so the sequence of tokens becomes a 2 dimensional float tensor. At this point it can be optimized.

This involves altering the model though, as the GPT-2 model is expecting to receive the tokenized prompt as it’s input. So a little surgery is required.

I should strip the talk of the past from this and it would be nice to have appropriate graphics.


To do this nicely I should make tables that have bold numbers as well as graphs. I’ve been running some sweeps for this paper in wandb so I need to export the metrics for them. Luckily there is documentation to do that.

This is their example code:

import wandb
api = wandb.Api()

runs = api.runs("matthewfranglen/prompt-training")
summary_list = [] 
config_list = [] 
name_list = [] 
for run in runs: 
    # run.summary are the output key/values like accuracy.  We call ._json_dict to omit large files 

    # run.config is the input metrics.  We remove special values that start with _.
    config_list.append({k:v for k,v in run.config.items() if not k.startswith('_')}) 

    # is the name of the run.

import pandas as pd 
summary_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(summary_list) 
config_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(config_list) 
name_df = pd.DataFrame({'name': name_list}) 
all_df = pd.concat([name_df, config_df,summary_df], axis=1)
name fp16 seed debug model n_ctx round top_k top_p epochs ... gradients/transformer.h.18.mlp.c_proj.bias gradients/transformer.h.16.mlp.c_proj.bias gradients/transformer.h.23.ln_2.bias gradients/transformer.h.4.mlp.c_proj.bias train/train_samples_per_second train/train_loss train/total_flos train/train_steps_per_second train/train_runtime gradients/input_extension
0 gpt2-large_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'values': [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2... {'values': [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3... {'values': [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 3, 1... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.01849125325... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 gpt2-large_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.01344758830... {'values': [1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 2, 2, 4, 8, 4, 5, 6... {'values': [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 3, 4, 8, 7... {'bins': [-0.024627190083265305, -0.0238870475... 48.956 0.487356 1.060810e+17 3.060 13756.9291 NaN
2 gpt2-medium_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_... False 42 [] gpt2-medium 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00144530110... {'values': [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, 4, 3... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00943612959... {'_type': 'histogram', 'values': [1, 1, 2, 2, ... 77.971 0.707936 5.564736e+16 2.437 8637.7444 NaN
3 gpt2-medium_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_... False 42 [] gpt2-medium 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'bins': [-0.0018060412257909775, -0.001741327... {'bins': [-0.0018799628596752882, -0.001808310... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.01162351667... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00215399940... 84.548 0.696624 5.564656e+16 2.643 7965.7900 NaN
4 gpt2-medium_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_... False 42 [] gpt2-medium 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'values': [1, 1, 0, 4, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 4, 6, 5... {'values': [1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 5, 7, 5, 1... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.02058961242... {'_type': 'histogram', 'values': [1, 0, 0, 0, ... 92.661 0.685788 5.564576e+16 2.896 7268.3196 NaN
5 gpt2-medium_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_... False 42 [] gpt2-medium 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00510465633... {'values': [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1... {'values': [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 4, 1, 3, 4, 4, 1... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00656862184... 102.069 0.649759 5.564495e+16 3.190 6598.3986 NaN
6 gpt2-medium_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_... False 42 [] gpt2-medium 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.01135736331... {'_type': 'histogram', 'values': [1, 0, 0, 0, ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.04558126628... {'values': [1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 6, 6... 111.768 0.508424 5.564431e+16 3.493 6025.7818 NaN
7 gpt2_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00101139291... 239.989 0.692224 1.951746e+16 7.501 2806.3330 NaN
8 gpt2_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN {'values': [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2... 263.760 0.684473 1.951686e+16 8.244 2553.4193 NaN
9 gpt2_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN {'_type': 'histogram', 'values': [1, 0, 0, 0, ... 282.572 0.659188 1.951626e+16 8.832 2383.4241 NaN
10 gpt2_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN {'_type': 'histogram', 'values': [1, 0, 1, 0, ... 311.006 0.643057 1.951566e+16 9.721 2165.5205 NaN
11 gpt2_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN {'_type': 'histogram', 'values': [1, 2, 2, 1, ... 344.208 0.526910 1.951517e+16 10.758 1956.6378 NaN
12 gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'values': [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0... {'values': [2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 4, 6, 1, 5, 1... {'bins': [-0.006419372744858265, -0.0062074009... {'values': [1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 4, 6, 4, 8, 8, 11, ... 34.291 0.317935 1.060878e+17 2.144 19640.4549 {'bins': [-0.0005494012730196118, -0.000532238...
13 gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00422320188... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00436296034... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00244044559... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00771678425... 37.144 0.348722 1.060861e+17 2.322 18131.6393 {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00345833227...
14 gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'values': [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.01896799728... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00777081586... {'bins': [-0.01550107728689909, -0.01499922666... 40.247 0.305307 1.060843e+17 2.516 16733.7893 {'values': [1, 0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 8, 13, ...
15 gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'values': [1, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 6... {'values': [1, 5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2, 10, 7, 11, 17... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00077923014... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00125554483... 44.201 0.308146 1.060826e+17 2.763 15237.0541 {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00090658687...
16 gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00439604464... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00469387555... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00408640597... {'values': [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 4, 3, 3, 2... 48.194 0.314865 1.060811e+17 3.013 13974.4535 {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00595530960...
17 gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00197306647... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00261437473... {'values': [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 4, 1, 5, 3... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00493339728... 34.241 0.121672 1.060876e+17 2.140 19669.1429 {'bins': [-0.0018333703046664596, -0.001767404...
18 gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00269448617... {'bins': [-0.0034013791009783745, -0.003291144... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00252108718... {'bins': [-0.010219709016382694, -0.0099595328... 37.008 0.107422 1.060859e+17 2.313 18198.2685 {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00186982809...
19 gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'values': [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3... {'values': [4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 8, 7, 9, 10, ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00115308142... {'_type': 'histogram', 'values': [1, 0, 1, 0, ... 40.342 0.109080 1.060841e+17 2.522 16694.5818 {'_type': 'histogram', 'values': [1, 0, 2, 2, ...
20 gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'bins': [-0.001987889176234603, -0.0019241998... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00298999925... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00240818993... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00448812264... 44.505 0.109463 1.060824e+17 2.782 15132.8876 {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00267837755...
21 gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'values': [1, 0, 0, 0, ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00231365184... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00184366910... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00387635990... 48.693 0.120755 1.060810e+17 3.044 13831.4925 {'_type': 'histogram', 'values': [3, 0, 2, 0, ...
22 gpt2-medium_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_... False 42 [] gpt2-medium 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00678156362... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00684588169... {'bins': [-0.07772248983383179, -0.07549932599... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.01199907995... 75.973 0.426049 5.565057e+16 2.375 8864.8318 {'values': [1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 3, 1, 3, 6, 4...
23 gpt2-medium_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_... False 42 [] gpt2-medium 1024 NaN 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00270534027... {'bins': [-0.004261664114892483, -0.0041233287... {'values': [1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 6, 1, 4, 5... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00980937108... 82.573 0.435361 5.564897e+16 2.581 8156.3290 {'bins': [-0.005265606101602316, -0.0050871353...
24 gpt2-medium_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_... False 42 [] gpt2-medium 1024 NaN 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00444102426... {'values': [2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 4, 0, 3, 8... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.02033426798... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.01074663270... 90.623 0.419063 5.564736e+16 2.832 7431.7712 {'values': [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 5...
25 gpt2-medium_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_... False 42 [] gpt2-medium 1024 NaN 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00236538005... {'values': [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 5... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.01463427394... {'values': [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 3, 6, 7... 100.305 0.392540 5.564576e+16 3.135 6714.3977 {'_type': 'histogram', 'values': [3, 0, 0, 0, ...
26 gpt2-medium_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_... False 42 [] gpt2-medium 1024 NaN 50 1 10 ... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00261635938... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00293804891... {'bins': [-0.023470813408493996, -0.0228090193... {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00667972397... 110.617 0.427815 5.564447e+16 3.457 6088.5114 {'bins': [-0.006627310533076525, -0.0064125214...
27 gpt2_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 NaN 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN {'bins': [-0.008618958294391632, -0.0083488197... 235.791 0.456089 1.951987e+16 7.370 2856.3001 {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00178531918...
28 gpt2_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 NaN 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00743164308... 255.644 0.457330 1.951867e+16 7.990 2634.4842 {'bins': [-0.00450912956148386, -0.00436404626...
29 gpt2_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 NaN 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.01072437688... 279.802 0.437861 1.951746e+16 8.745 2407.0266 {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00349625479...
30 gpt2_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 NaN 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN {'bins': [-0.00825427658855915, -0.00781507231... 308.525 0.452944 1.951626e+16 9.643 2182.9378 {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.01047926023...
31 gpt2_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 NaN 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.01043631508... 342.543 0.454971 1.951529e+16 10.706 1966.1449 {'_type': 'histogram', 'bins': [-0.00659146998...
32 gpt2_model_5_prompt-tokens_5_epochs_128_batch-... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 NaN 50 1 5 ... NaN NaN NaN {'bins': [-0.006810349877923727, -0.0065916357... 294.992 0.552810 1.187000e+16 2.308 1141.5412 {'bins': [-0.0059301843866705894, -0.005713565...

33 rows × 612 columns

So this is pretty big and it seems comprehensive. I’m interested in the combination of accuracy, prompt-tokens, model-name.

all_df[["model", "model-type", "prompt-tokens", "eval/accuracy"]].sort_values(by="eval/accuracy")
model model-type prompt-tokens eval/accuracy
21 gpt2-large suffix-prompt 1 0.490826
20 gpt2-large suffix-prompt 5 0.490826
19 gpt2-large suffix-prompt 10 0.490826
18 gpt2-large suffix-prompt 15 0.490826
17 gpt2-large suffix-prompt 20 0.490826
7 gpt2 prefix-prompt 20 0.542431
2 gpt2-medium prefix-prompt 20 0.545872
3 gpt2-medium prefix-prompt 15 0.596330
8 gpt2 prefix-prompt 15 0.629587
0 gpt2-large prefix-prompt 5 0.647936
4 gpt2-medium prefix-prompt 10 0.682339
9 gpt2 prefix-prompt 10 0.715596
10 gpt2 prefix-prompt 5 0.763761
5 gpt2-medium prefix-prompt 5 0.771789
32 gpt2 NaN 5 0.810780
31 gpt2 suffix-prompt 1 0.831422
11 gpt2 prefix-prompt 1 0.839450
6 gpt2-medium prefix-prompt 1 0.840596
28 gpt2 suffix-prompt 15 0.841743
30 gpt2 suffix-prompt 5 0.855505
27 gpt2 suffix-prompt 20 0.858945
22 gpt2-medium suffix-prompt 20 0.860092
29 gpt2 suffix-prompt 10 0.861239
1 gpt2-large prefix-prompt 1 0.875000
26 gpt2-medium suffix-prompt 1 0.886468
23 gpt2-medium suffix-prompt 15 0.889908
24 gpt2-medium suffix-prompt 10 0.891055
25 gpt2-medium suffix-prompt 5 0.893349
15 gpt2-large suffix-prompt 5 0.918578
16 gpt2-large suffix-prompt 1 0.918578
13 gpt2-large suffix-prompt 15 0.920872
14 gpt2-large suffix-prompt 10 0.928899
12 gpt2-large suffix-prompt 20 0.930046

The problem here is that it does not appear to be the graph of the values, it’s just the last reported value.

import wandb
api = wandb.Api()

runs = api.runs("matthewfranglen/prompt-training")
history_list = {}
config_list = {}
for run in runs:
    name =
    accuracy = run.summary._json_dict["eval/accuracy"]
    # skip the runs where the model was accidentally a regressor
    if accuracy == 0.4908256880733945:
        print(f"skipped bad run: {name} - {accuracy}")

    history_list[name] = run.history()
    config_list[name] = {k:v for k,v in run.config.items() if not k.startswith('_')}
skipped bad run: gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_16_batch-size_20_prompt-tokens_4944e - 0.4908256880733945
skipped bad run: gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_16_batch-size_15_prompt-tokens_1ac14 - 0.4908256880733945
skipped bad run: gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_16_batch-size_10_prompt-tokens_6f6a7 - 0.4908256880733945
skipped bad run: gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_16_batch-size_5_prompt-tokens_cd420 - 0.4908256880733945
skipped bad run: gpt2-large_model_suffix-prompt_model-type_10_epochs_16_batch-size_1_prompt-tokens_ee6ac - 0.4908256880733945
import pandas as pd

all_df = pd.DataFrame([
    {"name": name, **config, **row}
    for name, config in config_list.items()
    for row in history_list[name].iloc
name fp16 seed debug model n_ctx round top_k top_p epochs ... eval/samples_per_second eval/runtime train/train_loss train/train_steps_per_second train/train_samples_per_second train/train_runtime train/total_flos n_special predict_special_tokens gradients/input_extension
0 gpt2-large_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 gpt2-large_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 gpt2-large_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 gpt2-large_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 gpt2-large_model_prefix-prompt_model-type_10_e... False 42 [] gpt2-large 1024 0.0 50 1 10 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7183 gpt2_model_5_prompt-tokens_5_epochs_128_batch-... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 NaN 50 1 5 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN {'values': [2, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 1...
7184 gpt2_model_5_prompt-tokens_5_epochs_128_batch-... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 NaN 50 1 5 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN {'_type': 'histogram', 'packedBins': {'min': -...
7185 gpt2_model_5_prompt-tokens_5_epochs_128_batch-... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 NaN 50 1 5 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN {'_type': 'histogram', 'packedBins': {'size': ...
7186 gpt2_model_5_prompt-tokens_5_epochs_128_batch-... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 NaN 50 1 5 ... 774.21 1.1263 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
7187 gpt2_model_5_prompt-tokens_5_epochs_128_batch-... False 42 [] gpt2 1024 NaN 50 1 5 ... NaN NaN 0.55281 2.308 294.992 1141.5412 1.187000e+16 NaN NaN NaN

7188 rows × 611 columns

accuracy_df = (
    [["model", "model-type", "prompt-tokens", "train/epoch", "eval/accuracy"]]
    .rename(columns={"train/epoch": "epoch", "eval/accuracy": "accuracy"})
accuracy_df.groupby(by=["model", "model-type", "prompt-tokens"]).agg(max)
epoch accuracy
model model-type prompt-tokens
gpt2 prefix-prompt 1 10.0 0.839450
5 10.0 0.763761
10 10.0 0.715596
15 10.0 0.629587
20 10.0 0.542431
suffix-prompt 1 10.0 0.832569
5 10.0 0.864679
10 10.0 0.861239
15 10.0 0.856651
20 10.0 0.870413
gpt2-large prefix-prompt 1 10.0 0.883028
5 10.0 0.756881
10 10.0 0.709862
15 10.0 0.600917
20 10.0 0.580275
suffix-prompt 1 10.0 0.919725
5 10.0 0.923165
10 10.0 0.931193
15 10.0 0.930046
20 10.0 0.930046
gpt2-medium prefix-prompt 1 10.0 0.842890
5 10.0 0.785550
10 10.0 0.682339
15 10.0 0.596330
20 10.0 0.545872
suffix-prompt 1 10.0 0.886468
5 10.0 0.893349
10 10.0 0.893349
15 10.0 0.889908
20 10.0 0.864679
accuracy_df.groupby(by=["model", "model-type"]).agg(max)
prompt-tokens epoch accuracy
model model-type
gpt2 prefix-prompt 20 10.0 0.839450
suffix-prompt 20 10.0 0.870413
gpt2-large prefix-prompt 20 10.0 0.883028
suffix-prompt 20 10.0 0.931193
gpt2-medium prefix-prompt 20 10.0 0.842890
suffix-prompt 20 10.0 0.893349

This is nice as it shows that prefix prompting isn’t the best. I want to be able to turn this into a graph too.

accuracy_df.loc[accuracy_df["model-type"].isna(), "model-type"] = "suffix-prompt"
from typing import *

def show_comparison(df: pd.DataFrame, column: str, **limits: Any) -> None:
    df = compare(df, column, **limits)
    df.plot(title=f"{limits['model']} accuracy", ylim=(0,1))

def compare(df: pd.DataFrame, column: str, **limits: Any) -> pd.DataFrame:
    base = df
    for limit, value in limits.items():
        base = base[base[limit] == value]

    values = df[column].unique()
    if values.size == 0:
        return pd.DataFrame()
    frames = [
        base[base[column] == value]
            .drop(columns=["epoch", column])
            .rename(columns={"accuracy": value})
        for value in values
    return pd.concat(frames, axis=1)
for model_name in accuracy_df.model.unique():
        **{"prompt-tokens": 20}

For this I need to wait for the gpt2-large prefix training to complete. These graphs look pretty convincing.

I said that I didn’t want to spend too long on any one section, and here I am doing programming. On to the next section.



Maybe this is only better for GPT2? This has performance benefits which make multi classification more efficient (gpt2 past, unidirectional model). Proximity of prompt to prediction may be related. This uses a classification head, could try doing semantic training.

Why does this work at all? Is it possible to find words that produce a similar output?