import blog.transformers_logging
June 18, 2022
Tatoeba is a dataset of translated sentences. With this I should be able to internalize a prompt where the prompted noun description has a fixed language (I speak English so it’s that). This would lead to a multi-lingual noun describer as every noun should be described in the English description space.
The Tatoeba dataset is exported weekly and is made of several files. I’m interested in the base sentences and then the links that indicate which sentence is a translation of another.
I need to download the Tatoeba files and then merge them. What I need is a list of sentences in English and then the translated sentence in another known language.
I’ve started by downloading the relevant files:
The sentences file contains the sentence_id
, language
, text
columns. The links file contains the sentence_id
, translation_id
columns, where both sentence_id
and translation_id
refer to rows in the sentences file. The links file is symmetric so if row 1,77
(sentence_id 1, translation_id 77) appears then row 77,1
will also appear.
I can use these two files to produce my desired dataset.
from typing import List
import tarfile
import pandas as pd
def read_tarfile(path: Path, names: List[str]) -> pd.DataFrame:
The Tatoeba files are provided as bz2 compressed tarfiles.
This will correctly load them into pandas.
# there is one file in each tarfile
with, "r:*") as handle:
tar_path = handle.getnames()[0]
return pd.read_csv(
sentences_df = read_tarfile(SENTENCES_FILE, names=["id", "language", "text"])
sentences_df = sentences_df.set_index("id", drop=True)
# example is [1, 77]
# sentence 77 is a translation of sentence 1
links_df = read_tarfile(LINKS_FILE, names=["sentence_id", "translation_id"])
print(f"Read {len(sentences_df):,} sentences and {len(links_df):,} links")
Read 10,467,414 sentences and 21,259,444 links
I now want to map each sentence_id
to it’s associated translation_id
The first thing I tried was to join the sentences dataframe to itself using the two series from the links file. Unfortunately that did not work because there are ids in the links file which are not present in the sentences dataset.
Using a map allows all the valid sentence_ids to be looked up without issue.
translation_map = links_df.set_index("sentence_id").translation_id.to_dict()
translation_df = sentences_df.copy()
translation_df["translation_id"] =
translation_df = translation_df.dropna()
translation_df["translation_language"] =
translation_df["translation_text"] =
translation_df = translation_df.drop(columns="translation_id")
language | text | translation_language | translation_text | |
id | ||||
1 | cmn | 我們試試看! | tuk | Bir edip göreli |
2 | cmn | 我该去睡觉了。 | jpn | 寝なきゃ。 |
3 | cmn | 你在干什麼啊? | nld | Wat zit je te doen? |
4 | cmn | 這是什麼啊? | grn | Mba'épiko upéva? |
5 | cmn | 今天是6月18号,也是Muiriel的生日! | tgl | Ngayon ay ika-18 ng Hunyo at kaarawan ngayon n... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
10920732 | spa | Tomen un plátano. | kab | Ddmet tabanant. |
10920733 | epo | La Adventa sezono estas tempo, kiam oni havas ... | deu | Die Adventszeit ist eine Zeit, in der man Zeit... |
10920735 | deu | Die hoffnungsvolle Erwartungshaltung der Adven... | epo | La esperplena atendo de la Adventa sezono devu... |
10920736 | spa | Ve demasiada televisión. | kab | Bezzaf tettferrij tilivizyu. |
10920738 | epo | La esperplena atendo de la Adventa sezono devu... | deu | Die hoffnungsvolle Erwartungshaltung der Adven... |
8906089 rows × 4 columns
We now have almost 9 million sentences with their translated counterpart. This is great.
What we need is a fixed language for one side of this dataset as I want to map the noun descriptions to a fixed space, that fixed space being the model descriptions of nouns in that fixed language. As I speak English and it is a common language I am going to use that.
With this dataset we can then start extracting the nouns. The code that was used in the prompt internalization post will be useful there, so the language has to have Spacy support.
language | text | translation_language | translation_text | |
id | ||||
1276 | eng | Let's try something. | mon | Ямар нэг зүйл туршицгаая. |
1277 | eng | I have to go to sleep. | ido | Me mustas irar dormar. |
1280 | eng | Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! | gos | Vandoag is t 18 juni en t is verjoardag van Mu... |
1282 | eng | Muiriel is 20 now. | bel | Мюрыэль споўнілася 20. |
1283 | eng | The password is "Muiriel". | kab | Awal uffir, d "Muriel". |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
10919638 | eng | All I can say is amazing. | jpn | すごいとしか言いようがない。 |
10919681 | eng | Yamato-kotoba is the language that has been us... | jpn | 大和言葉は、日本で昔から使われてきた言葉で、外国語に翻訳し易いものもあれば、し難いものもあります。 |
10919689 | eng | Where exactly did you meet Tom? | jpn | そもそも、どこでトムと会ったの? |
10919692 | eng | Tom's new car can do 140 kilometers per hour. | jpn | トムの新車は時速140キロ出るんだよ。 |
10919747 | eng | That plan was unsuccessful. | jpn | その計画は失敗に終わった。 |
1157510 rows × 4 columns
Now it’s time to extract the nouns from the sentences. Once again I can use Spacy for this, as it supports several different languages. I want to retain most of this dataset and keep at least one language as a test set.
The languages that Spacy supports are listed here:
I need to find the distribution of these and then pick maybe 5 to train with and one for evaluation. I would like a Germanic, Cyrillic and Asian language in the tranining set.
rus 122838
deu 86620
ita 68884
por 51822
fra 40173
spa 36975
jpn 35974
nld 33650
fin 15894
pol 12167
ron 8059
dan 7483
mkd 6790
swe 6102
ell 3990
kor 1903
cat 972
nob 778
lit 302
Name: translation_language, dtype: int64
Taking the top languages from this I have:
language | iso code | rows |
Russian | rus | 122838 |
German | deu | 86620 |
Italian | ita | 68884 |
Portuguese | por | 51822 |
French | fra | 40173 |
Spanish | spa | 36975 |
Japanese | jpn | 35974 |
This gives me everything I wanted and I can use Portuguese and Spanish as a test set.
One problem that I have is that it will not be simple to find the correspondence between nouns in English and nouns in the translation language. To make this easier I can see if there is only a single noun in both utterances as that should give me the mapping.
import spacy
nlp_names = {
"eng": "en_core_web_sm",
"rus": "ru_core_news_sm",
"deu": "de_core_news_sm",
"ita": "it_core_news_sm",
"por": "pt_core_news_sm",
"fra": "fr_core_news_sm",
"spa": "es_core_news_sm",
"jpn": "ja_core_news_sm",
nlp = {
language_code: spacy.load(spacy_name)
for language_code, spacy_name in nlp_names.items()
Call the police!
I immediately see a problem with this as it is labelling a lot of the punctuation as PROPN. I think I need to increase the size of the spacy models that are being used. It would be great not to use the largest as they are easily half a gig each.
import spacy
nlp_names = {
"eng": "en_core_web_md",
"rus": "ru_core_news_md",
"deu": "de_core_news_md",
"ita": "it_core_news_md",
"por": "pt_core_news_md",
"fra": "fr_core_news_md",
"spa": "es_core_news_md",
"jpn": "ja_core_news_md",
nlp = {
language_code: spacy.load(spacy_name)
for language_code, spacy_name in nlp_names.items()
Call the police!
Call the police!
the DET
police NOUN
This isn’t great as the punctuation is now a verb however I can handle that. Translating the noun of 警察 returns the police, which is encouraging as it suggests that my one noun approach will work.
The Encoder that was used in the Prompt Internalization post will work with this. It just needs an adjustment to allow multiple different languages to work.
from typing import List
import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Span
from spacy.matcher import Matcher
class NounExtractor:
def __init__(self, spacy_name: str) -> None:
self.nlp = spacy.load(spacy_name)
self.matcher = Matcher(self.nlp.vocab)
self.matcher.add("nouns", [
[{"POS": {"IN": ["NOUN", "PROPN"]}, "OP": "+"}],
def get_nouns(self, text: str) -> List[Span]:
doc = self.nlp(text)
nouns = self.matcher(doc, as_spans=True)
return self.unique(text, nouns=nouns)
def unique(self, text: str, nouns: List[Span]) -> List[Span]:
text = text.casefold()
return [
for noun in nouns
if text.count(noun.text.casefold()) == 1
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple
from spacy.tokens import Span
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
nlp_names = {
"eng": "en_core_web_md",
"rus": "ru_core_news_md",
"deu": "de_core_news_md",
"ita": "it_core_news_md",
"por": "pt_core_news_md",
"fra": "fr_core_news_md",
"spa": "es_core_news_md",
"jpn": "ja_core_news_md",
class Encoder:
def __init__(self, name: str = "roberta-base") -> None:
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(name)
self.extractors = {
language: NounExtractor(spacy_name)
for language, spacy_name in nlp_names.items()
def encode(self, text: str, language: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
nouns = self.extractors[language].get_nouns(text)
tokens = self.tokenizer(text, truncation=True, return_offsets_mapping=True)
labels = self.find(tokens.offset_mapping, nouns)
return {
"input_ids": tokens.input_ids,
"attention_mask": tokens.attention_mask,
"labels": labels
def find(self, offsets: List[Tuple[int, int]], nouns: List[Span]) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
starts = {
start: index
for index, (start, end) in enumerate(offsets)
if start != end
ends = {
end: index
for index, (start, end) in enumerate(offsets)
if start != end
return [
(starts[noun.start_char], 1 + ends[noun.end_char] - starts[noun.start_char])
for noun in nouns
if noun.start_char in starts and noun.end_char in ends
{'input_ids': [0, 133, 6255, 22637, 34, 23647, 2],
'attention_mask': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
'labels': [(2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (5, 1)]}
I can then run this over the selected languages.
First the English text has to be translated and extracted, then the translation language. This is going to take a while.
restricted_df = english_df[
encoded_text_df = pd.DataFrame(
lambda row: encoder.encode(text=row.text, language=row.language),
encoded_translation_df = pd.DataFrame(
lambda row: encoder.encode(text=row.translation_text, language=row.translation_language),
How many nouns are there per sentence? We really want there to be a lot with only a single noun as those are the ones we can work with.
1 160012
2 106243
0 93578
3 45191
4 19118
Name: labels, dtype: int64
1 156232
2 108637
0 88285
3 47375
4 20541
Name: labels, dtype: int64
This suggests that at best we can work with ~150,000 sentences. This feels like a good amount.
restricted_df = pd.merge(restricted_df, encoded_text_df, left_index=True, right_index=True)
restricted_df = pd.merge(
"input_ids": "translation_input_ids",
"attention_mask": "translation_attention_mask",
"labels": "translation_labels",
restricted_df = restricted_df.reset_index(drop=True)
language | text | translation_language | translation_text | input_ids | attention_mask | labels | translation_input_ids | translation_attention_mask | translation_labels | |
0 | eng | I was in the mountains. | fra | J'étais à la montagne. | [0, 100, 21, 11, 5, 9787, 4, 2] | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [(5, 1)] | [0, 863, 108, 1140, 4349, 354, 6534, 897, 2712... | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [(8, 2)] |
1 | eng | I told them to send me another ticket. | deu | Ich sagte ihnen, sie sollen mir eine neue Fahr... | [0, 100, 174, 106, 7, 2142, 162, 277, 3682, 4, 2] | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [(8, 1)] | [0, 100, 611, 17929, 859, 939, 10245, 225, 6, ... | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ... | [(19, 4)] |
2 | eng | It depends on the context. | deu | Das hängt vom Kontext ab. | [0, 243, 7971, 15, 5, 5377, 4, 2] | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [(5, 1)] | [0, 495, 281, 1368, 1561, 2590, 90, 23953, 112... | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [(8, 2)] |
3 | eng | So what? | jpn | それが何か? | [0, 2847, 99, 116, 2] | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [] | [0, 46311, 46, 48916, 48538, 47856, 15722, 487... | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [] |
4 | eng | That is somewhat explained at the end. | ita | È in qualche modo spiegato alla fine. | [0, 1711, 16, 5568, 2002, 23, 5, 253, 4, 2] | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [(7, 1)] | [0, 3849, 23133, 11, 22043, 2871, 11134, 139, ... | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [(6, 2), (13, 1)] |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
443281 | eng | All I can say is amazing. | jpn | すごいとしか言いようがない。 | [0, 3684, 38, 64, 224, 16, 2770, 4, 2] | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [] | [0, 48735, 46311, 10674, 47780, 48281, 47918, ... | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ... | [] |
443282 | eng | Yamato-kotoba is the language that has been us... | jpn | 大和言葉は、日本で昔から使われてきた言葉で、外国語に翻訳し易いものもあれば、し難いものもあります。 | [0, 975, 424, 3938, 12, 330, 1242, 19614, 16, ... | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ... | [(1, 3), (5, 3), (16, 2), (20, 1), (27, 1)] | [0, 48262, 42393, 10659, 14285, 36484, 11423, ... | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ... | [(1, 4), (1, 10), (14, 3), (19, 1), (38, 3), (... |
443283 | eng | Where exactly did you meet Tom? | jpn | そもそも、どこでトムと会ったの? | [0, 13841, 2230, 222, 47, 972, 1560, 116, 2] | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [(6, 1)] | [0, 46311, 46, 48885, 46311, 46, 48885, 47341,... | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ... | [(12, 2)] |
443284 | eng | Tom's new car can do 140 kilometers per hour. | jpn | トムの新車は時速140キロ出るんだよ。 | [0, 15691, 18, 92, 512, 64, 109, 9680, 8130, 2... | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [(1, 1), (4, 1), (8, 1), (10, 1)] | [0, 49280, 49598, 48018, 47240, 7487, 49416, 2... | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ... | [(1, 2), (5, 3), (10, 3), (14, 2)] |
443285 | eng | That plan was unsuccessful. | jpn | その計画は失敗に終わった。 | [0, 1711, 563, 21, 15943, 4, 2] | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] | [(2, 1)] | [0, 46311, 46, 48018, 36484, 11423, 23133, 478... | [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ... | [(6, 3), (11, 3)] |
443286 rows × 10 columns
After all of this we have about 96,000 rows to work with. If this is a problem then adding more languages should be possible.
I now need a way to pass all of this data into the trainer. To do this effectively I should incorporate the prompt in the English input_ids so that I don’t have to alter the teacher input too much.
import pandas as pd
restricted_df = pd.read_parquet(DATA_FOLDER / "encoded-english.gz.parquet")
single_noun_df = restricted_df[
(restricted_df.labels.apply(len) == 1) &
(restricted_df.translation_labels.apply(len) == 1)
single_noun_df = single_noun_df[[
"language", "text",
"input_ids", "labels",
"translation_language", "translation_text",
"translation_input_ids", "translation_labels",
'<s>I was in the mountains. Pet: Dog, Color: Yellow, Vehicle: Tractor, Fruit: Banana,<mask>: mountains</s>'
single_noun_df = single_noun_df[[
single_noun_df = single_noun_df.rename(columns={
"input_ids": "teacher_input_ids",
"translation_language": "language",
"translation_input_ids": "input_ids",
"translation_labels": "labels",
At this point we have something that could be provided to the model for training. The next trick will be to get it to accept the teacher_input_ids in addition to everything else. The huggingface trainer often restricts the parameters passed to train to those that the model accepts.
import datasets
train_languages = {
test_languages = {
train_ds = datasets.Dataset.from_pandas(
test_ds = datasets.Dataset.from_pandas(
train_ds.save_to_disk(DATA_FOLDER / "single-noun-train.dataset")
test_ds.save_to_disk(DATA_FOLDER / "single-noun-test.dataset")
from pathlib import Path
import datasets
from pathlib import Path
DATA_FOLDER = Path("/data/blog/2022-06-18-cross-language-prompt-internalization")
RUN_DIRECTORY.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
MODEL_NAME = "roberta-base"
# MAX_STEPS = 5_000
# MAX_STEPS = 50
train_ds = datasets.load_from_disk(DATA_FOLDER / "single-noun-train.dataset")
test_ds = datasets.load_from_disk(DATA_FOLDER / "single-noun-test.dataset")
import string
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, Union
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from transformers import AutoModelForMaskedLM, AutoTokenizer, Trainer, TrainingArguments
from transformers.modeling_outputs import MaskedLMOutput
from transformers.tokenization_utils_base import BatchEncoding
class MultilingualMaskedPromptInternalizationTrainingArguments(TrainingArguments):
def __init__(self, *args, temperature: float = 2.0, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.temperature = temperature
class MultilingualMaskedPromptInternalizationTrainer(Trainer):
def __init__(
teacher_model: AutoModelForMaskedLM = None,
tokenizer: AutoTokenizer = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.teacher = teacher_model
self._move_model_to_device(self.teacher, self.model.device)
self.mask_token_id = tokenizer.mask_token_id
def compute_loss(
model: AutoModelForMaskedLM,
inputs: Dict[str, Union[torch.Tensor, Any]],
return_outputs: bool = False,
) -> Union[Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]:
student_output = model(
teacher_predictions = self._teacher_predictions(
loss = self._student_loss(
return (loss, student_output) if return_outputs else loss
def _teacher_predictions(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
outputs_teacher = self.teacher(
mask_indices = input_ids == self.mask_token_id
return outputs_teacher.logits[mask_indices]
def _student_loss(
student_output: MaskedLMOutput,
teacher_predictions: torch.Tensor,
labels: torch.Tensor,
) -> torch.Tensor:
# Calculating the student prediction is tricky.
# Is the output for a multi token target the mean of the output for each token?
# Should the loss instead be measured per token?
# When calculating this it is very important to avoid breaking back propagation.
# will break back propagation, so the loss is calculated per row.
losses = []
for target, output, (start, length) in zip(
teacher_predictions, student_output.logits, labels
prediction = output[start : start + length]
prediction = prediction.mean(dim=0)
prediction = F.log_softmax(prediction / self.args.temperature, dim=-1)
target = F.softmax(target / self.args.temperature, dim=-1)
loss = F.kl_div(
input=prediction[None, :],
target=target[None, :],
loss = loss * (self.args.temperature ** 2)
return sum(losses) / len(losses)
from typing import Any, Dict, List
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
class TeacherStudentCollator:
The teacher inputs need to be padded and have an associated attention mask.
def __init__(self, tokenizer: AutoTokenizer) -> None:
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
def __call__(self, features: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
teacher_inputs = [
{"input_ids": row["teacher_input_ids"]}
for row in features
teacher_batch = self.tokenizer.pad(
padded_teacher_inputs = {
"teacher_input_ids": teacher_batch["input_ids"],
"teacher_attention_mask": teacher_batch["attention_mask"],
student_inputs = [
"input_ids": row["input_ids"],
"labels": row["labels"][0] # known to have a single entry
for row in features
padded_student_inputs = self.tokenizer.pad(
batch = {
**padded_teacher_inputs, **padded_student_inputs
if "label" in batch:
batch["labels"] = batch["label"]
del batch["label"]
if "label_ids" in batch:
batch["labels"] = batch["label_ids"]
del batch["label_ids"]
return batch
There is one special bit of behaviour that needs to be fixed. The parameters that are passed to the trainer and collator are based on the parameters accepted by the model.forward
function. I need to pass the teacher_input_ids
and teacher_attention_mask
to the trainer so I need to patch the forward method to accept these parameters even though it doesn’t use them.
def add_parameters(model: AutoModelForMaskedLM) -> AutoModelForMaskedLM:
old_forward = model.forward
def fake_forward(
return old_forward(
model.forward = fake_forward
return model
from transformers import AutoModelForMaskedLM, AutoTokenizer
training_args = MultilingualMaskedPromptInternalizationTrainingArguments(
# max_steps=MAX_STEPS,
logging_dir=RUN_DIRECTORY / "logs",
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
teacher_model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
student_model = add_parameters(AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME))
data_collator = TeacherStudentCollator(tokenizer=tokenizer)
trainer = MultilingualMaskedPromptInternalizationTrainer(
Step | Training Loss | Validation Loss |
1000 | 0.833800 | 0.751095 |
2000 | 0.600800 | 0.731829 |
3000 | 0.508300 | 0.715951 |
4000 | 0.434500 | 0.708059 |
5000 | 0.388800 | 0.711071 |
6000 | 0.357900 | 0.723349 |
7000 | 0.315500 | 0.709269 |
8000 | 0.294100 | 0.715075 |
9000 | 0.273700 | 0.723964 |
10000 | 0.248100 | 0.729855 |
11000 | 0.237400 | 0.726436 |
12000 | 0.226100 | 0.722286 |
TrainOutput(global_step=12088, training_loss=0.39204590451551696, metrics={'train_runtime': 5840.7064, 'train_samples_per_second': 132.422, 'train_steps_per_second': 2.07, 'total_flos': 4.098902992389058e+16, 'train_loss': 0.39204590451551696, 'epoch': 8.0})
For clarity I saved this model twice - best-model
is for 2 epochs and best-model-2
is for 8 epochs.
Now we can try out the model with different sentences to see what it predicts for the nouns.
from typing import Tuple, List
import torch
def get_predictions(text: str, start: int, end: int) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]:
tokens = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt")
target = tokenizer.decode(tokens.input_ids[0, start:end])
output = student_model(**tokens)
predictions = output.logits[0, start:end].mean(dim=0)
predicted_tokens = predictions.argsort(descending=True)[:10]
predicted_words = [
for word in tokenizer.batch_decode(predicted_tokens)
return target, predicted_words
The first comparison will be of the different senses of bass again. Here we want the first and third sentences to have a similar description and the second sentence to be distinct. The words used should also be descriptive of the distinct meaning.
first_phrase = "We spotted a large bass in the ocean."
second_phrase = "The bass player did not receive the acknowledgment she deserves."
third_phrase = "The black sea bass, is a member of the wreckfish family."
first_target, first_predicted_words = get_predictions(first_phrase, 5, 6)
second_target, second_predicted_words = get_predictions(second_phrase, 2, 3)
third_target, third_predicted_words = get_predictions(third_phrase, 4, 5)
print(f"First Phrase is: {first_phrase} Target is: {first_target}")
print(f"Description is: {', '.join(first_predicted_words)}")
print(f"Second Phrase is: {second_phrase} Target is: {second_target}")
print(f"Description is: {', '.join(second_predicted_words)}")
print(f"Third Phrase is: {third_phrase} Target is: {third_target}")
print(f"Description is: {', '.join(third_predicted_words)}")
print(f"First & Second: {sorted(set(first_predicted_words) & set(second_predicted_words))}")
print(f"First & Third: {sorted(set(first_predicted_words) & set(third_predicted_words))}")
print(f"Second & Third: {sorted(set(second_predicted_words) & set(third_predicted_words))}")
First Phrase is: We spotted a large bass in the ocean. Target is: bass
Description is: Species, Size, Color, Shape, Animal, Item, Body, Weight, Type, Sex
Second Phrase is: The bass player did not receive the acknowledgment she deserves. Target is: bass
Description is: Position, Artist, Name, Player, Singer, Role, Note, Age, Function, Driver
Third Phrase is: The black sea bass, is a member of the wreckfish family. Target is: bass
Description is: Species, Size, Animal, Color, Item, Type, Creature, Fish, Race, Sex
First & Second: []
First & Third: ['Animal', 'Color', 'Item', 'Sex', 'Size', 'Species', 'Type']
Second & Third: []
This has worked well, the first and third sentence have an \(\frac{7}{10}\) overlap. The second sentence has no overlap. Furthermore the words seem to fit the word sense well.
The next thing is to compare the same sentence in two different languages. Training did not use Spanish or English so we can use a sentence in both of them. Remember that while the teacher was taking prompted English sentences, the student model never saw an English input.
spanish_text = "Friday es mi canción favorita."
spanish_start, spanish_end = 1, 2
english_text = "Friday is my favourite song."
english_start, english_end = 1, 2
spanish_target, spanish_predicted_words = get_predictions(spanish_text, spanish_start, spanish_end)
english_target, english_predicted_words = get_predictions(english_text, english_start, english_end)
overlap = set(spanish_predicted_words) & set(english_predicted_words)
difference = set(spanish_predicted_words) ^ set(english_predicted_words)
print(f"Spanish Phrase is: {spanish_text}")
print(f"Spanish Description is: {', '.join(spanish_predicted_words)}")
print(f"English Phrase is: {english_text}")
print(f"English Description is: {', '.join(english_predicted_words)}")
print(f"Description Overlap is: {', '.join(sorted(overlap))}")
print(f"Description Difference is: {', '.join(sorted(difference))}")
Spanish Phrase is: Friday es mi canción favorita.
Spanish Description is: Date, Day, Time, Days, When, Theme, Week, Reason, Weather, Event
English Phrase is: Friday is my favourite song.
English Description is: Day, Date, Time, Theme, Name, Event, Days, Month, Reason, Subject
Description Overlap is: Date, Day, Days, Event, Reason, Theme, Time
Description Difference is: Month, Name, Subject, Weather, Week, When
This is a similar outcome with a \(\frac{7}{10}\) overlap.
The bigger problem here is that the words used to describe Friday are wrong. This sentence refers to the song by Rebecca Black, not the day of the week. None of the words relate to the song sense.
The sense of the word is clearly spelt out by the sentence, rather than through cultural reference, so this is not a hard inference to make.
The next evaluation is the same word used with two different senses in the same sentence.
text = "I like to drive my Malibu while drinking Malibu."
print(f"Phrase is: {text}")
first_target, first_predicted_words = get_predictions(text, 6, 8)
second_target, second_predicted_words = get_predictions(text, 10, 12)
assert first_target == " Malibu"
assert second_target == " Malibu"
print(f"First Malibu (car) Description is: {', '.join(first_predicted_words)}")
print(f"Second Malibu (drink) Description is: {', '.join(second_predicted_words)}")
print(f"First & Second: {sorted(set(first_predicted_words) & set(second_predicted_words))}")
print(f"First ^ Second: {sorted(set(first_predicted_words) ^ set(second_predicted_words))}")
Phrase is: I like to drive my Malibu while drinking Malibu.
First Malibu (car) Description is: Vehicle, Color, Destination, Driver, Car, Location, Year, Season, Model, Speed
Second Malibu (drink) Description is: Color, Vehicle, Destination, Driver, Car, Location, Year, Season, Speed, Weather
First & Second: ['Car', 'Color', 'Destination', 'Driver', 'Location', 'Season', 'Speed', 'Vehicle', 'Year']
First ^ Second: ['Model', 'Weather']
There is clearly a problem here as the two senses of the word should relate to driving the car and to the consumption of the alcoholic drink. Instead both senses relate to the car, with a \(\frac{9}{10}\) overlap.
As a final evaluation we can test some longer text that has several targets.
spanish_phrase = (
"Retiremos el equipo de la cancha, "
"Boca no merece jugar esta copa que "
"hace tiempo viene siendo desprestigiada.\n"
"Ya no se juega al futbol."
english_phrase = (
"Let's remove the team from the field, "
"Boca does not deserve to play this cup that "
"has long been discredited. "
"Football is no longer played."
print(f"Spanish Phrase is: {spanish_phrase}")
print(f"English Phrase is: {english_phrase}")
for (spanish_start, spanish_end), (english_start, english_end) in [
[[5, 7], [5, 6]], # equipo -> sport team
[[12, 14], [10, 12]], # Boca -> football team in Argentinia
[[21, 23], [18, 19]], # copa -> sport cup
[[26, 29], [21, 22]], # tiempo -> long time
[[47, 49], [25, 26]], # futbol -> football
spanish_target, spanish_description = get_predictions(
english_target, english_description =get_predictions(
overlap = set(spanish_description) & set(english_description)
difference = set(spanish_description) ^ set(english_description)
print(f"Spanish word is: {spanish_target}, English word is: {english_target}")
print(f"Spanish Description is: {', '.join(spanish_description)}")
print(f"English Description is: {', '.join(english_description)}")
print(f"Overlap is: {', '.join(sorted(overlap))} ({len(overlap)})")
print(f"Difference is: {', '.join(sorted(difference))} ({len(difference)})")
Spanish Phrase is: Retiremos el equipo de la cancha, Boca no merece jugar esta copa que hace tiempo viene siendo desprestigiada.
Ya no se juega al futbol.
English Phrase is: Let's remove the team from the field, Boca does not deserve to play this cup that has long been discredited. Football is no longer played.
Spanish word is: equipo, English word is: team
Spanish Description is: Team, Name, Position, Location, Player, Age, Purpose, Color, Goal, Organization
English Description is: Team, Position, Name, Location, Player, Goal, Teams, Age, Color, Destination
Overlap is: Age, Color, Goal, Location, Name, Player, Position, Team (8)
Difference is: Destination, Organization, Purpose, Teams (4)
Spanish word is: Boca, English word is: Boca
Spanish Description is: Color, Name, Food, Location, Type, Drink, Size, Age, Source, Flavor
English Description is: Color, Team, Location, Game, Size, Type, Player, Name, Age, Season
Overlap is: Age, Color, Location, Name, Size, Type (6)
Difference is: Drink, Flavor, Food, Game, Player, Season, Source, Team (8)
Spanish word is: copa, English word is: cup
Spanish Description is: Age, Purpose, Name, Size, Location, Color, Type, Function, Food, Time
English Description is: Game, Sport, Team, Position, Goal, Type, Size, Season, Color, Player
Overlap is: Color, Size, Type (3)
Difference is: Age, Food, Function, Game, Goal, Location, Name, Player, Position, Purpose, Season, Sport, Team, Time (14)
Spanish word is: tiempo, English word is: long
Spanish Description is: Size, Color, Age, Weather, Time, Shape, Food, Location, Weight, Purpose
English Description is: Age, Time, Reason, Date, Year, Name, Location, Purpose, Color, Season
Overlap is: Age, Color, Location, Purpose, Time (5)
Difference is: Date, Food, Name, Reason, Season, Shape, Size, Weather, Weight, Year (10)
Spanish word is: futbol, English word is: Football
Spanish Description is: Age, Purpose, Reason, Color, Time, Weather, Size, Location, Season, Activity
English Description is: Sport, Team, Football, Game, Position, Ball, Player, Goal, Season, Sports
Overlap is: Season (1)
Difference is: Activity, Age, Ball, Color, Football, Game, Goal, Location, Player, Position, Purpose, Reason, Size, Sport, Sports, Team, Time, Weather (18)
Here we can see a wide variation in performance. I’m most surprised with the performance of Football itself, which has almost no overlap.
I think this technique is promising but the model has suffered from some kind of collapse. It may’ve lost the overall sense of the word and it’s place in the sentence. Maybe doing a dual train with the classic language modelling task to retain the original language knowledge would help?
This is an easy extension as the student model can attempt to predict the masked target noun.
Another way to refine this would be to reconsider the combination of the token probability distribution. Instead of taking the mean of the tokens perhaps it would be better to just take the first token? The prompted model only has a single masked token to work with after all.
Finally is the use of temperature really helping? The language modelling task does not have such sharp probability distributions when compared to classifiers, so boosting the low probability entries may not help.
A hyperparameter search is always going to be worthwhile for this and a 2 epoch train is only 20 minutes, so it’s feasible to do.